Financing Your Work Term Abroad


When considering an international work term, think of all the costs associated, and research the costs for each location.

These costs will vary, depending on location and lifestyle choices. Potential costs may include but are not limited to:

  • Travel to and from the work term location and your home country including airport departure fees
  • Work term tuition
  • Rental accommodation in the work term location
  • Transportation costs (i.e. metro, bus)
  • Food, beverage and incidental (i.e. clothing, grooming products)
  • Medical insurance (whether through your Student Society or any required additional coverage)
  • Vaccinations (if required)
  • Travel insurance
  • Entertainment
  • Local travel - i.e. weekend trips

Plan to save money in advance because it may take several weeks before you receive your first pay cheque.


Contact your institution's co-op department and/or international department for funding or scholarship opporutnities for international work terms.